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Kingdom of Atenveldt
1 March 2000, A.S. XXXIV Kingdom of Atenveldt Unto Their Royal Highnesses Aaron and Alissandra; Lady Isabel d'Avron, Aten Principal Herald; The Heralds in the Atenveldt College of Heralds, and to All Whom These Presents Come, Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald! This is the MARCH 1999 internal Atenveldt Letter of Intent. It precedes the external LoI that will contain the following submissions, asking questions of submitters and local heralds who have worked with them; if these questions are not addressed, the submission may be returned by the Atenveldt College of Heralds. You are encouraged to comment upon these submissions, even if you are new in your office and fear that you might not have enough "experience" to offer your opinion. Please have commentary to me by 25 March. I accept electronic commentary: brickbat@nexiliscom.com. Estrella Consultation Table: The table was, as always, very popular! The worst part was that we were forced to shut down early on Sunday due to the weather conditions. You will see below, however, that there were many submissions made and which are included in the 1 March 2000 LoI. Special thanks are extended to Master Roger, who spent many hours at the table, along with heralds from Artemesia, Caid, and An Tir. Documentation "Overload" (aka, an Embarrassment of Riches): Please keep in mind that if name documentation is taken from any source listed in the Administrative Handbook, Appendix H, "Name Books That Do Not Require Photocopies to Laurel," all you need to do is cite the book, edition number and page number for the name. Similarly, if you use other sources and all of them have the same information, do not include documentation from all the books! One is sufficient, particularly if there are dates included in the text; extraneous information that doesn't add to the documentation only adds to photocopying and mailing costs. I hope reading the comments with the submissions below gives you some insight into what criteria for name and armorial design the College of Arms uses. If you are confused by comments or don't agree with them, let me know--we can all learn something. Please consider the following submissions (conflict check if you are able!), the following submissions for the April Atenveldt LoI; try to have your comments on them to me by 25 March.: Angelica Blauschild (Sundragon): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Kingdom, 9/98 Azure, a pair of wings argent conjoined by a Hungerford knot Or, pendant from the knot a needle and a quill pen argent, a bordure ermine. The name was registered January 1998. The original submission was returned for inability to reproduce the design from the blazon alone. This is a complete redesign. Angelina Della Costa (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Argent, two red-headed mermaids proper maintaining in chief a heart gules. The name is Italian. Angelina is cited in Withycombe as a diminutive of Angela; it is the name of three saints and is common in Italy (p. 24). (The only documentation provided for the given name was from Hanks and Hodges and from Kolatch-PLEASE avoid using these sources-they are undated, and in many cases inaccurate!) Della Costa is shown as a variant of Costa in de Felice's Dizionario dei cognomi italiani, pp. 108-9. Edward von Griffonberg (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Sable, a hangman's noose argent. Edward is the submitter's legal given name and is found in Withycombe, pp. 94-5; if the submitter would like an entirely German name, he might consider the German form of the given name, Eduard. The byname is a coined locative, "of Griffin/on Mountain". Greif is the German word for griffin; Hanks and Hodges cite it as a German name, derived from a house name distinguished by the sign of a griffin (p. 225), and in German folk etymology, the griffin associated with a grasping, greedy man (similar to the term Griffe). The appendix shows Griffon as a variant of Griffe. Isabeau della Farfalla (Sundragon): NEW BADGE Argent, a butterfly azure surmounted by a dagger inverted proper. The name was registered June 1995. Joseph Walter McFadden (Sundragon): NEW BADGE Or, a pall sable between three trefoils vert, stems to center, a bordure sable. The name was registered June 1995. Li Ming Fa (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Vert, a daisy argent between two cats sejant erect gardant (?) Or. The name is Chinese. Li is a common family name, borne by emperors and Li Shi-min (597-694) and Li Che (656-762 AD), and the poet Li Po (705-762); these citations are taken from A Chinese Biographical Dictionary, by Herbert Giles. Ming Fa, "radiant lotus," follows the Chinese tradition of naming women after flowers for their delicate, gentle natures. Chinese naming practices place the family name before the personal name. The submitter has prepared very good documentation for the name. As for the device, the blazon was originally Vert, a flower argent between two felines rampant Or. While the College of Arms treats all types of cats as felines, more definition is needed. However, using the basics of "Beast-Cat" and "Flower-Multipetaled" is a good way to check for potential conflicts in the Ordinary. Otto Blauschild (Sundragon): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 1/98 Azure, a fret argent, a bordure ermine. The name was registered January 1998. The original submission, without the bordure, was returned for several conflicts. Phelan O'Coileain (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Azure, a horseshoe within a bordure Or. The name is Irish. The period spelling Faelan (and the more modern spelling Faolan) is found in this common early Irish name; three kings of Leicester had this name, between the 7th and 9th Centuries (O Corrain and Maguire, pp. 92-3). This same source cites O Phelan as a surname; it might be more accurate if the submitter chose one of the other two spellings given above (the pronunciation is still the same). MacLysaght's Surnames of Ireland shows O Coileain as a sept of County Limerick (p. 51). Aside from some spelling adjustments (perhaps), this is an excellent period Irish name, simply a given name and a family byname. Rhys MacArthur (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per bend azure and vert, a compass star argent and a bear rampnt to sinister Or. Rhys is a common Welsh masculine given name (Withycombe, p. 253). MacArthur is found on p. 454 of Black. Richard of the Oak Shield (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per chevron inverted gules and argent, an oak tree couped and a bull's head cabossed gules. The name is English. Richard is the submitter's legal name. The byname is constructed more in the style of an inn sign ("The Oak Shield") rather than as a personal descriptive, referring to a fellow who fights with a shield of oak. I believe that it might be more in keeping with Middle English nicknames to be "Richard Oakshield". The line of division on the field needs to be a little more steep, as this is almost too flat and might give the impression of a badly-drawn per fess line of division; given that the bull's horns could sweep around it, that shouldn't be a problem in future renditions of the design. The following submissions appear in the 1 March 2000 Atenveldt Letter of Intent: Akilli Aslan Sarolta (Tir Ysgithr): CHANGE OF HOLDING NAME, from "Sarolta of Tir Ysgithr," from Laurel, 2/98 The submitter's original name submission, Lalayvna Shahin Sarolta, was returned by the College of Arms, February 1998, for lack of documentation for the epithet. This submission retains the submitter's Hungarian given name, Sarolta, and had added a harem/seraglio name as might have been given to a woman who entered a harem when the Ottoman Empire absorbed Hungary in the 16th Century. Her documentation shows names being given to new concubines that reflect their beauty and temperaments, such as Gulbahar (Rose of Spring), Hurrem (the Laughing One), and Nur Mahal (Light of the Palace), who was renamed Nur Jahan (Light of the World). Although her documentation mentions that a concubine's Christian name would be changed into a Persian one (and she would be converted to Islam), Suleyman the Magnificent's sultana, Hurrem, seemed to continue to be known as often by her original Russian name Roxalena, in the courts, as by her Persian epithet. Sarolta's Turkish epithet, Akilli Aslan, "Wise Lioness," is attested to by Turgay Kormas, a native Turkish speaker, a friend of the submitter. Most of the remaining documentation in the naming of harem concubines, comes from Harem: The World Behind the Veil, Alev Croutier, Abbeyville Press, NY, 1989. A citation for Nur Mahal is taken from Uppity Women of Medieval Times, Vicki Leon, Conari Press, Berkeley, 1997. Documentation is forwarded to Laurel. Arnak Haifisch der Laut (Londinium): NEW NAME and DEVICE Sable, a shark haurient affronty argent. Arnak is a traditional Armenian (Cilician ) name, found on the Armenian Names List, compiled by Nephi Kazerian (http://feefhs.org/am/am-male.html). During the period of the Crusades, there were more than 12,000 people who traveled through Germany into Constantinople and Cilicilia to their final destination of Jerusalem (from the Internet Medieval Sourcebook, http://source/1064 pilgrim.html). Haifisch is German, "shark." Bahlow demonstrates a number of "fish" surnames, including Fisch, Fischer, and Fisch(e)l (p. 142); we don't know how far-fetched it might be for a family to reflect a fishing occupation that "specializes" in one type of fish. (The German word Gauner also means "shark," but in human form-a scoundrel, swindler or crook.) der Laut is German, "the loud," a descriptive epithet for the submitter; German translations are taken from Langenscheidt's German-English English-German Dictionary. The submitter is willing to drop Haifisch if it would prevent his name from being registered. Ashir al-Zahir (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per fess azure and vert, a heart Or pierced by a rapier argent. The name is Arabic. The closest given name we could find is Ashiq, in Da'ud ibn Auda's "Arabic Names and Naming Practices." Al-Zahir is found in the same source, a cognomen meaning "the supporter". Brighed O'Daire (Tir Ysgithr): NEW HOUSEHOLD NAME, "Keg's End" The submitter's personal name was registered April 1992. "Keg's End" is based on inn/tavern name construction. Keg is an English family name, dating to 1511, under Keig/Kegg (Reaney and Wilson, p. 202). The Compact Oxford English Dictionary defines "end" as a quarter (section) of the world, of a country or town, dating to 1450. It is feasible to consider Keg's End being a village name, or that area of a village in which all the members of the Keg family reside, or where the Keg family might operate an inn. If registered, this household name should be associated with the submitter's registered badge, (Fieldless) A sword argent surmounted by a barrel proper. Brian Broadaxe (Sundragon): NEW DEVICE Argent, semy of icicles, a demon statant affronty, on a chief azure two winged boars argent. The name was registered in September 1993 (via the East Kingdom). Heraldic gouttes inverted are also known as icicles. Caitlin O'Sirideain (Granite Mountain): NEW NAME The name is Irish. Caitlin is found in O Corrain and Maguire, p. 45, under Caiterina. O'Sirideain is found in The Surnames of Ireland, MacLysaght, p. 271, under O'Sheridan. Charles the Bear (Atenveldt): NEW NAME and DEVICE Argent, two brown bears heads addorsed, conjoined and erased proper. Charles is the submitter's legal given name; it is found in this form in England from 1273 (Withycombe, pp. 62-3). The Bear is a descriptive epithet, indicative of the submitter's physical size and strength. Charles the Bull (Tir Ysgithr): NEW BADGE Sable, a Celtic cross argent charged with a thistle purpure, slipped and leaved vert. The name was registered April 1994. Damiana Forenze (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME and DEVICE Bendy sinister sable and Or, a horse's head cabossed and wearing a chamfron gules. The name is Italian. Damiano is cited twice in "Italian Renaissance Men's Names", by Ferrante LaVolpe. (The Medieval Names Archives), and a standard way to create an Italian feminine given name is to substitute a final -a on a masculine name; it has been registered by the College of Arms as recently as February 1998. We were unable to locate Forenze (Firenze would be nonproblematic, as it is the Italian name for Florence). (I could've sworn that the submitter was planning to use Firenze!) Any assistance in documenting Forenze would be appreciated. There must be a more elegant blazon for this very simple design-could it be simple blazoned as a chamfron, since there are chamfron styles that include the horse's ears in the design? David MacAlpin of Dalcross (Sundragon): NEW NAME and DEVICE Azure, a lion's head cabossed Or pierced by a sword inverted, on a chief enarched argent, two crosses of Cleves gules. David is found in Withycombe, p. 79; it is also the submitter's legal given name. MacAlpin is found in Reaney and Wilson, p. 290, and in Black, pp. 451-2. Dalcross is an area near Croy, Inverness-shire (Black, p. 196). Deille of Farnham (Sundragon): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 7/99 Or, a saltire vert charged with a cat sejant gardant Or, an orle counterchanged. The name was registered July 1999. Her original submission was returned for conflict; this is a complete redesign. Dougal O'Sirideain (Granite Mountain): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per saltire sable and gules, on a plate a Celtic cross conjoined to a Thor's hammer gules. The name is Irish. Dougal is the Anglicized form of the given name Dubgall (O Corrain and Maguire, p. 79). O'Sirideain is found in The Surnames of Ireland, MacLysaght, p. 271, under O'Sheridan. Egan Taitnyssagh Smilebringer (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME and DEVICE Argent, a rapier inverted bendwise sinister between two dumbeks sable, headed Or. Egan is the Anglicized form of Aed, which itself is a diminutive of the Irish given name Aeducan: Aodhagan (O Corrain and Maguire, p. 14). Taitnyssagh is Manx Gaelic, "charmed, appealing, grateful, amiable, delightful, pleasurable, nice, pleasing, endearing, entertaining, pleasant". It is taken from the online FOCKLEYR GAELG - BAARLE/Manx-English Dictionary, completed in July 1991. It is based on D. C. Fargher's English - Manx Dictionary of 1979 (ISBN 0 904980 23 5). Smilebringer is an epithet based on the Norse method of bestowing nicknames, such as brothmathr, "breaker, damage-causer" (Geirr Bassi, p. 20), hrafnasveltir, "raven-starver, coward, battle-avoider (ibid., p. 23) or akraspillir, "destroyer of fields" (ibid., p. 19). While more likely to be found as an epithet such as Jest, Gambol, or the coined Bringsmile, this is the most important element of the name to the submitter. Elspeth Flannagann (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per chevron argent and gules, a pair of hands couped sable and two hands issuant dexter and sinister, clasped, argent. Elspeth is a Scottish form of Elizabeth (Withycombe, pp. 99-100). Flannagann is an undocumented but near spelling variant of the Irish surname which is Anglicized as Flanagan (Reaney and Wilson, p. 130). Flannchad O Duinnin (Atenveldt): NEW NAME The name is Irish. Flannchad is found in O Corrain and Maguire, p. 106. O Duinnin is a Munster surname, from Duinnin, a diminutive of Donn (O Corrain and Maguire, p. 80). Gallchobar MacFaelechoin (Atenveldt): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per pale gules and argent, two dragons combattant counterchanged, on a base embattled Or, a Celtic cross sable. This submission was originally made under the name Balor MacFaelechoin, but it was returned by the Atenveldt CoH 1 September 1999 for use of an Irish deity name (Balor). Gallchobar is a relatively uncommon early name (O Corrain and Maguire, p. 109). O Faelechoin appears to be a variant of O Faelochoin, found in "Ancient Irish Surnames and History," by Pat Traynor (http://www.rootsweb.com/~fianna/surname/old.html). The closest name that I've found in the "usual" sources is Faelan (O Corrain and Maguire, pp. 92-3). Gareth of Bloodwine Gorge (Tir Ysgithr): NEW BADGE (fieldless) A sword inverted entwined by a serpent argent. The name was registered June 1980. As drawn, the serpent appears to be of "equal" weight as the sword and should be considered a co-primary, much like a legged beast sustaining a charge that is of the same visual weight (this also seems the best way for a serpent to sustain anything). The submitter wishes to call this any Asclepian serpent, as it twines about the sword as the serpent twines about the rod of Asclepius (the classical god of medicine), but there is nothing remarkable about the beast to suggest a that it be anything other than a serpent. If the College of Arms feels that the designator can be added to the blazon, that would be fine. Giovanna Beatrice di Grazia (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME and DEVICE Vert, three bees within an orle Or. The name is Italian. Giovanna is the feminine form of Giovanni, the Italian equivalent of John (Withycombe, pp. 178-9). Both it and Beatrice are found in "Feminine Given Names from the Online Catasto of Florence of 1427," by Arval Benicoeur (Josh Mittleman), mittle@panix.com. di Grazia is found in De Felice's Dizionario dei cognomi italiani, p. 141. De Felice shows the particle as Di. Gocauo Diego Ramiriç (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per bend argent and Or, two crescents gules, a bordure charged with the words Verdade Sobretudo E Honra argent. The name is Portugese. Gocauo Ramiriç is found in a short list of documented Portugese names, 1192-1214 (Early Romance Texts: An Anthology, Rodney Sampson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984); the "u" in Gocauo represents a \v\ sound, and the tilde/reflexo over the first "o" indicates that the vowel has a nasal pronunciation. This information was provided by the Academy of St. Gabriel (documentation to Laurel). Diego is a Portugese given name, found in "Portugese Names 1350-1450," by Juliana de Luna (Julia Smith), in The Medieval Names Archive. Haleya Olofsdottir (Atenveldt): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per pale gules and Or, a comet throughout between a descrecent and an increscent counterchanged. The name is Old Norse. The submitter's legal given name is Haley, and she would like a name as close to it as possible; she had found Haleygr in Geirr Bassi (p. 13), but then discovered that this is a masculine name, which would lead to problems in creating the appropriate patronymic. If a masculine Norse name can be made into a feminine form (as is mentioned in Geirr Bassi on p. 5, with Helgi becoming Helga), would Haleya be a reasonable feminine form of Haleygr? Olafr is found on p. 13 of Geirr Bassi; according to that source, the patronymic would be Olafsdottir. The slightly differently spelling of the name does not seem to be an insurmountable problem. Griffith Ash the Archer (Tir Ysgithr): NEW DEVICE Per pale sable and azure, a griffin segreant contourny argent, winged Or. The name was registered February 1997. The original submission had the griffin entirely argent, which ran into a conflict. Upon conferring with the submitter, we are making the wings Or; since the wings are a significant component of the monster, identifying it as something more than a simple quadruped, we hope that making them a different tincture provides the necessary difference that was needed to resolve at least one conflict. Guillaume de Beauvin (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME and DEVICE Argent, a cow salient and a chief purpure. Guillaume is the French form of William (Dauzat, p. 314). Beauvin is a coined byname. The use of beau or bel with another word is a documented form of French name construction, seen with several entries in Dauzat, pp. 33-4; for example, Beljame is derived from "le beau Jame," meaning "the handsome Jame" (p. 35). Jame and James are both period names (Jame a surname, James a derivative or English form of Jacques; Dauzat, p. 340). Since Vin is a period name (Dauzat, p. 596), the surname Beauvin follows the same construction as Beljame, and additionally, both parts of the name have period usage, Beau as both a stand-alone name, and as the first half of a compound name. (Jame is a surname referring for a producer or merchant of resin, and Vin is a surname referring to a producer of wine (Dauzat, p. 340 and p. 596, respectively). Gunnar of Jomsborg (Sundragon): BADGE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 7/99 Or, a bend sable between a dragon's head couped vert and a drakkar sable. The name was registered July 1999. The original submission, Or, in pale a dragon's head couped vert and a drakkar sable, sailed gules., was returned for conflict wit Lord of Lorne of Old, Or, a lymphad sable. Gwynhevare Holleran (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME and DEVICE Vert, a unicorn rampant between four dumbeks in cross Or. Gwynhevare is an undocumented spelling variant of the name Guenevere; the closest attested spelling is Gwenhevare, in Shropshire, 1431 (Withycombe, pp. 141-2). Halloren is found in MacLysaght, p. 160. Jerusha a'Laon (Ered Sul): NEW NAME and DEVICE Sable, in pale a set of scales Or and an open book argent. Jerusha is a woman's Biblical name, found in II Kings 3:3, and II Chronicles 27:1. a'Laon , "from Laon," is a French locative (Dauzat, p. 365). This form has been previously registered to her SCA "mother," Layla Dragon a'Laon. "A" is common Latin derived locative, as in Thomas a'Becket or Thomas a'Kempis. The charges are drawn with equal visual weight so can be considered co-primaries. This should be clear of Sheldon the Just: Sable, a set of standing balances and in base an Arabian lamp argent.; and Duncan MacMuir: Sable, a standing balance Or between three swords proper. Johannes von Helmstedt (Atenveldt): DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 6/98 Azure, a winged lion salient contourny, a bordure engrailed Or. The name was registered June 1998. The original submission, Azure, a winged lion statant erect contourny, maintaining in its forepaws an open scroll palewise, a bordure Or., was returned for conflict with Cinhil MacAran, Per fess rayonny azure and gules, a winged lion rampant to sinister within a bordure Or. Giving the bordure a complex line clears the conflict. Julian Faith McCabe (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME Julian is the usual Middle English form of Juliana, the feminine form of Julian; there are several saints bearing this name (pp. 183-4, Withycombe, under Julian and Juliana). Faith is an English surname (Reaney and Wilson, p. 122). McCabe is an English surname (Reaney and Wilson, p. 225). While frowned upon, double surnames are still permitted registration by the College of Arms. Juliette de Deuxmont (Atenveldt): NEW DEVICE Argent, a compass rose sable within and conjoined to a mascle azure, in chief a sprig of holly vert, fructed gules. The name was registered July 1999. Katherine Bradon of Carlisle (Atenveldt): NEW NAME and DEVICE Argent, a spiderweb throughout azure charged with a spider sable, a bordure embattled azure, ermined argent. The name is English and Irish. Katherine is found in Withycombe, p. 186. Bradon is found in MacLysaght's The Surnames of Ireland, under Breadon, p. 25. Carlisle is an English city. Usually a heraldic spiderweb is a little more symmetrical and extend throughout the field (so that the spider would be actually be obscuring some of it), but this design gets the idea across, and allows the greatest visibility for the spider. Kedivor Tal ap Cadugon (Atenveldt): BADGE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, 12/99 (fieldless) A peacock close statant upon a hawk's bell Or. The name was registered December 1999. This is a complete redesign of a badge submission returned for conflict. As drawn, the charges are co-primaries, each of equal visual weight/importance (usually, the beast or bird that is a co-primary is sustaining the inanimate charge-here, the bell seems to be sustaining the peacock!). I blazoned the bird as simply close (wings against the body, tail not displayed); there are several examples in the Ordinary with a peacock pavonated, its tail down, but still sweeping downward and very apparently a peacock's vast tail. While this peacock is minding his own business and is not overly trying for the false modesty that pavonating birds are), it is still apparent from the long tail with eyes and the crest that this is a peacock. Li Ban O Duinnin (Atenveldt): NEW NAME The name is Irish. Li Ban is found in O Corrain and Maguire, p. 122. O Duinnin is a Munster surname derived from Duinnin, a diminutive of Donn (O Corrain and Maguire, p. 80). Maliusha Sepukhov (Mons Tonitrus): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per pale argent and azure, on a fess between three annulets, three crosses crosslet, all counterchanged. The name is Russian. Maliusha, dated to 975, is found under Mariia in Paul Wickenden's Dictionary of Period Russian Names, p. 134. Sepukhov is an early area of Muscovy, founded before 1303 (Wickenden, p. 294); the submitter asks that the ending of the locative be corrected if necessary. Moira O'Droogan (Atenveldt): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per pale vert and argent, two dragonflies counterchanged. The name is Anglicized Irish. O Corrain and Maguire state that Moira is an English form of the name Maire (p. 133), although there is some question whether it might have been common in period (Maire was rare in Ireland before the 17th C, with the more common Mor being Anglicized to Mary). Moira has been registered as recently as 1997 by the College of Arms. (O) Droogan is cited as an ancient County Armagh family in MacLysaght's The Surnames of Ireland, p. 78. Morann of Conamara (Nathair Airgid): NEW NAME and DEVICE Per bend gules and sable, two Latin crosses raguly argent. Morann was a legendary judge of the Irish; it was a name also used by Christian clerics, such as Morann ma Indrechtaig, abbot of Cloghter, d. 842 (p. 139, O Corrain and Maguire). Conamara is an Irish county (index, p. 13, Master Book of Irish Placenames, Master Atlas and Placename Locator, O'Lauchin). Phoebe MacGregor (Londinium): NEW NAME and DEVICE Quarterly vert and Or, a horse passant argent, barded and bridled azure. The name is English. Phoebe, from the Greek (and the name of a woman referred to in Romans 16:1 by the apostle Paul), appears in England in 1568 (Withycombe, p. 246). MacGregor, from the Scots Gaelic MacGriogair, is found in Black, pp. 505-6. Because of the barding of a different tincture, the horse itself should probably clear any conflict with a completely white passant/statant horse. Because of the neutral field, any tincture of horse could have been used upon the field (except for Or or erminois), but the barding rather gives the design an entire neutral field and neutral charge feel! Robert Delion (Granite Mountain): NEW NAME Robert is a French masculine given name (Withycombe, pp. 254-5); it is also the submitter's legal given name. Delion is found in Dauzat, p. 188, derived from the original locative de Lyon. Rhys ap Gwylym (Ered Sul): NEW DEVICE Per bend Or and sable, a bear's pawprint sable and a mouse rampant argent. The name was registered July 1999. It should've been considered a conflict with Rhys ap Gwilym, but it wasn't caught. While this submission is being sent on for final consideration by the College of Arms, I have contacted the submitter, explaining the missed problem, and asking if he will consider modifying his name to clear the conflict with Rhys ap Gwilym. Sabine Bryght of Ash (Tir Ysgithr): NEW DEVICE Purpure, a dragonfly argent within a snake involved in annulo argent, lozengy purpure. The name appears in the 1 February 2000 Atenveldt Letter of Intent. Seaan Mac an Ghabhann (Twin Moons): NEW DEVICE Argent, a single-horned anvil reversed vert charged with a Celtic cross Or. The name was registered July 1999. Seamus McDaid (Atenveldt): NEW DEVICE Per bend sinister argent and gules, a bend sinister cotised sable between an equal-armed Celtic cross and a trefoil counterchanged. The name was registered December 1999. Originally, the submission, with a plain bend sinister sable, was in conflict with Medve Arszlan: Per bend sinister argent and gules, a bend sinister sable. There was only 1 CD for the addition of the secondaries (IF, however, the secondaries had been identical-two crosses or two trefoils-this entire design would've been considered simple armory and avoided the cited conflict). Upon conferring with the submitter, he asked that the bend sinister be cotised, and that provides the second CD needed to avoid conflict. Sean Holden (Atenveldt): NEW NAME and DEVICE Argent, a wooden guillotine proper. Sean is the Irish form of John, a popular given name in most western European countries in the Middle Ages (pp. 178-9, Withycombe). Holden is an English surname, dating to 1285 (p. 180, Reaney and Wilson). The submitter provides documentation from A History of the Guillotine (Alister Kershaw, Barnes and Noble Books, NY, 1993), that this means of execution predates its use (and name) in the French Revolution. Ralph Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotlande and Irelande (1577) includes a woodcut of a wooden frame with a falling blade. Other woodcuts and the paintings in period name similar instruments as the Halifax Gibbet, the Mannaia, and the Diele (which is a framework that holds the person being executed in place while a headsman with an axe delivers the blow. Documentation is forwarded to Laurel. Sean of the South (Tir Ysgithr): NEW DEVICE Vert, on a pile argent a mullet of six points elongated to base vert. The name appears in the 1 December 1999 Atenveldt Letter of Intent. Sverrir Valthjofsson (Tir Ysgithr): CHANGE OF HOLDING NAME, "Robert of Tir Ysgithr," from Laurel, 6/99 The submitter's original name Skerri Langdrakkar Valthjofrson, was returned in June 1999 for several problems, most notably for lack of documentation for the given name and incorrect formation of the patronymic. Sverrir is found in the name of Sverrir Sigurdarson, a king of Norway (1184-1202), in Orkneyinga Saga: History of the Earls of Orkney, Penguin Books, Hogarth Press Ltd., 1978, p. 243. The submitter has accepted the suggested spelling of the patronymic, offered by the College of Arms (Valthjofr is found in Geirr Bassi, p. 15). Theophille De Younkiere (Granite Mountain): NEW NAME and DEVICE Or, two scarpes vert and azure between a fleur-de-lys azure and a trefoil vert. Theophille is the French form of the Greek given name (and Biblical name) Theophilus (Dauzat, p. 568). The submitter says that the byname is Flemish for "the Younger," which we were not able to confirm; it is also his grandmother's maiden name. We would appreciate any assistance in helping to justify the name. Tieg ap Gwylym (Ered Sul): NEW NAME The name is Welsh. Tieg is the submitter's legal given name (his mother produced his Social Security card for verification); his father is Gwylym ab Owain Tatershal, whose name has been registered by the College of Arms. Waldham von Torsvan (Atenveldt): NEW NAME Waldham is found in Onomastica Neerlandica, by F. Debranbadnere, from the Kortrijkse Naamukunde, 1200-1300. The individual elements are also found in Searle, wald- on p. 476 and -ham, p. 279. The submitter claims that Torsvan is the capital city of the Faero Islands; the Goode's World Atlas spells it as Torshavn. If a spelling closer to the submitter's desire can be found, it would be appreciated. The following submissions have been held/ returned by the Atenveldt College of Heralds, 1 March 2000, for the following reasons: Aldric of Galway (Twin Moons): NEW BADGE Azure, three natural dolphins naiant in annulo argent. The name was registered July 1993. The design is derived from the submitter's registered device, Azure, a pall inverted embattled counter-embattled Or between three natural dolphins naiant in annulo argent. Unfortunately, with the removal of the primary charge, the "new" primaries are the three dolphins, and so this now conflicts with Juliana de Finistere: Azure, three dolphins naiant conjoined head to tail in a trianble and in chief two fleurs de lys argent. (There is 1 CD for the addition of the secondary charges, the fleurs, but the orienation of the dolphins is probably not enough to clear the conflict). There is also a conflict with Louise de Lauzun: Gules, three natural dolphins naiant embowed in annulo argent. This is a clear conflict, with only 1 CD afforded for the difference in the field tinctures. (RETURNED for conflict) Caitlin O'Sirideain: NEW DEVICE Or, a fret and on a chief vert, two trefoils Or. While a simple, elegant device, Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme ruled that there is no difference to be gained between a fret and the field treatment fretty. As a result, this is in conflict with Fionnach nic Shearlais, Or, fretty, on a chief vert a stag courant argent. There is only 1 CD for differences in type, number and tincture of the tertiary charges (stag vs. trefoils). Were she to make the field erminois or Or, ermined vert, this would provide the second needed CD (and she could play with placing the ermine spots in various areas between the frets. (RETURNED for conflict) Hwyn yr Hydd (Tir Ysgithr): NEW NAME and DEVICE Quarterly vert and argent, a cross of chain between in bend sinister two millrinds fesswise sable. The name is Welsh. No documentation for either element was provided, and we were unable to find any documentation with Welsh papers in the Medieval Name Archive or in the Compleat Anachronist's Welsh Miscellany, written by Heather Rose Jones. These submissions will have to be held until some name documentation is provided. (HELD for name documentation) Julian Faith McCabe: NEW DEVICE Per saltire azure and vert, a unicorn's head erased Or. There is a problem with Astrid Towers and a forced move: Per chevron Or and purpure, in base a unicorn's head erased Or. There is one CD for the difference in the field, but since the unicorn head in Astrid's armory is "forced" to move to avoid a tincture conflict, there is no second CD afforded by the change in orientation on the field. (RETURNED for conflict) Thank you all for your hard work; I'm receiving submissions packets from throughout the Kingdom on a regular basis, and I'm happy that you are all participating in the submissions process at the local level. I hope to hear from you soon! I remain, Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy c/o Linda Miku 2527 East 3rd Street Tucson AZ 85716 |