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Heraldic Submissions Page

(administered by the Brickbat Herald)


Letter of Intent

30 March 2016, A.S. L

Unto Andrewe Laurel; Lillia Pelican; Brunissende Wreath; and the commenting Members of the College of Arms,

Greetings from Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, Brickbat Herald and Parhelium Herald for the Kingdom of Atenveldt!

The Atenveldt College of Heralds requests the consideration and registration of the following names and armory with the College of Arms.

Unless specifically stated, the client will accept any spelling and grammar corrections; all assistance is appreciated.

1. Ceallach Colquhoun: BADGE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, December 2015
Per bend sinister gules and argent, a door argent banded and handled sable and charged with two arrows in saltire, and a dragon sejant affronty, wings displayed and head to dexter gules.

OSCAR finds the name registered exactly as it appears in June of 2006, via Atenveldt.

The original submission, Per bend sinister gules and argent, a door argent banded, handled and charged with two arrows in saltire sable, and a dragon sejant affronty, wings displayed and head to dexter gules., was returned for redraw, for violating SENA A2C2 which states "Elements must be drawn to be identifiable." "As depicted, the arrows on the door appear to be part of the door and not independent charges. The arrows are similar in color and width to the details on the door, leading commenters to see them as part of the door. Changing the tincture of either the details or the arrows or making the arrows bolder with larger heads and fletchings would improve identifiability."

The arrows' tincture has changed, as suggested by the CoA and making them far more identifiable as independent charges.

2. Franceska Lucrezia la Sarta: NEW NAME and DEVICE

Per bend sinister indented gules and purpure, a threaded needle bendwise sinister and a leopard's face Or.

The name is Italian. Franceska is a female given name found in “Feminine Given Names from
Thirteenth Century Perugia,” Arval Benicoeur,

Lucrezia is found in “Late Period Italian Women's Names: Venice,” Juliana de Luna,

la Sarta is a occupational byname, "the (female) tailor, dressmaker, seamstress," Far more substantial solid documentation for the name comes from Maridonna Benvenuti: “Andrea del Sarto, original name Andrea d'Agnolo (born July 16, 1486, Florence [Italy]--died before Sept. 29, 1530, Florence), Italian painter and draftsman... Sarto's family name was probably Lanfranchi, and his father was a tailor (hence "del Sarto"; Italian sarto, "tailor").” and “Sarto, #67, is listed as an occupation in the Codebook of the 1427-29 Catasto Data File for Florence. David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber.”; and also from Coblaith Muimnech: “John Florio's 1598 Italian/English dictionary, "A Worlde of Wordes" defines "sarta" as "a woman tailer" and "sarto, sartore" as "a man tailer" ( It also gives "an article of the feminine gender" as one definition for "la" ( Whether "sarta" was used in northern Italy, and if so when it first came into use there, I couldn't say. (The dictionary doesn't give those kinds of specifics.)”
SENA Appendix A notes that double given names are found, and occupational names, while used, rarely include the article.

3. Idunn of the Citadel: NEW NAME and DEVICE
Argent, a pale sable and a wingless wyvern passant to sinister regardant, its tail entwined azure around a thighbone argent.

Idunn is an Old Norse name, the goddess of apples. It also appears as a female given name in Geirr Bassi, p. 12. The name apparently is actually Iðunn (with the eth), although early SCA registrations of the name were shown to be Idunn Felinnoir in 1987 and Idunn in Spanverska in 1996, and the April 1988 LoAR notes that Geirr Bassi gives two instances of Iðunn being used by humans, making it registerable.

The byname comes from the Citadel of the Southern Pass (El Paso, TX, name registered Febuary 1984), the client's first barony. Ogress Herald notes that “if she is relying on the SCA Branch name, she has to use the entire branch name as registered... Iðunn of the Citadel of the Southern Pass is registerable.”

The client is most interested in the sound (as Id-toon) and the language/culture (Viking) of the name. She doesn't care about the gender of the name and she will not accept Major changes to the name.

The orientation of the wyvern was a cause for concern for some commenters. One suggestion was that the entire wyvern be placed overall in respect to the bone instead of entwining its tail around it, such that Argent, on a pale sable a thighbone argent and overall a wyvern contourny azure. We ask for the College's input on the design.

4. Katherine Kelly: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, January 2016
Argent semy of shamrocks vert, a butterfly sable and on a chief purpure a spoon reversed argent.

The name was registered February 2013.

The previous submission was “returned administratively as the emblazon on the Letter of Intent does not match the emblazon on the actual form. The device in OSCAR shows a hand colored azure chief while the uploaded scan of the form had a computer-colorized purpure chief. Alteration of tincture by computer-colorization has been cause for return since the March 2009 meeting.” The “hand-colored azure chief” was indeed purpure but scanned azure; the problem hopefully been corrected.

5. Mattea Locatelli: DEVICE RESUBMISSION from Laurel, January 2016

Purpure, two arrows inverted in saltire Or and overall a polypus argent.

The name was registered January 2016.

The previous submission was “returned administratively as the emblazon on the Letter of Intent does not match the emblazon on the actual form. The device in OSCAR shows a hand colored azure chief while the uploaded scan of the form had a computer-colorized purpure chief. Alteration of tincture by computer-colorization has been cause for return since the March 2009 meeting.” The “hand-colored azure chief” was indeed purpure but scanned azure; the problem hopefully been corrected.

There are 2 New Names and 2 New Devices; there are 2 Device Resubmissions and 1 Badge Resubmission. There are 5 items chargeable and a total of 7 items. Laurel should receive $12 for new submissions.

I was assisted in the preparation of this Letter of Intent by Alys Mackyntoich, Andreas Lucernensis, Coblaith Muimnech, ffride wlffsdotter, Gunnvor silfraharr, Maridonna Benvenuti, Seraphina Delfino, Sorcha inghen Chon Mhara and Vettorio Antonello.

Thank you to those who have provided your wisdom and patience, your expertise and your willingness to share it.

Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy
c/o Linda Miku
2527 East 3rd Street; Tucson AZ 85716

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